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Limbic Life Line

I have created this service for those who suffer from the general sense of SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL DIS-CONNECTION and its more specific forms of PANIC ATTACK and GENERAL ANXIETY and who wish to not only go/get through this "Communicative Disease" (see James J. Lynch's A Cry Unheard) but also to "GROW" through this by understanding it scientifically and humanistically.

“The reality is that all relationships inevitably will be dissolved and broken. The ultimate price exacted for commitment to other human beings rests in the inescapable fact that loss and pain will be experienced when they are gone...It is a toll that no one can escape, and a price that everyone will be forced to pay repeatedly. We live in a society where King Loneliness has no clothing, yet, because everyone believes he is the only one who feels lonely, we tell ourselves that loneliness must be a mirage. It is becoming increasingly difficult to share the most basic of all human truths: that people desperately need each other, that we really are dependent on one another." The Broken Heart, James J. Lynch

"Jaak Panksepp’s work defines seven fundamental emotions: SEEKING, RAGE, FEAR, LUST, CARE, PANIC/LOSS/GRIEF (Attachment & Separation Distress) and PLAY. The ATTACHMENT (PANIC/LOSS/GRIEF) system, serves an evolutionary function in helping us secure bonds with our parents as infants and with romantic partners, friends and family as adults. It’s governed by opioids (endorphins), chemicals in the brain that induce a feeling of comfort and satisfaction when triggered by an intimate bonding experience. If we’re separated from a caregiver in childhood or a partner in adulthood, a panic response is triggered. This is characterized by distress, which later turns to grief and sadness." Antonia Short

Because APART FROM, therefore, A PART OF. It is because as a Responsibly Free individual I realize I am separate from all Collectives including that of Life Itself as Selfish Genes, that I acknowledge and accept the Evolutionary-driven Limbic (emotional) Brain necessity for INTIMATE CONNECTION. I make an acronym of L.O.S.S.: L.inking O.ur S.eparate S.elves. I follow Michelangelo's dictum: "He has profited well who learns by loss." 

After the death of two wives from cancer their hands in mine to their last breath; the suicide of an adopted son; the death of my mother at 3 and father at 14; the deaths and suicides of other friends throughout my 70 years of life...I can claim to have learned the LESSON OF LOSS which I call CARE and sometimes, even, LOVE

“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by loving. Life shrinks or expands according to one's courage. Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live.” Anais Nin

I have chosen the recent, Academy Award winning movie, Gravity, to be a general metaphor for a person's LIMBIC LIFE LINE (Intimate Emotional Connection) being severed from its source of LIFE SUPPORT (Intimate Others). 

As Brandon Vaara wrote about the film: “Gravity shows that humans are not designed to be alone. Lonesomeness leaves a black hole in our hearts. Most people will likely admit that they have faced situations in life that have left them feeling alone (hopelessly floating through space). Gravity touches on the hopelessness that all humans experience at some point during their lives, and leaves the viewer encouraged to endure their difficult circumstance knowing that they aren’t alone.”

In the movie it's persons outside the space ship in space suits whose LIFE LINES to the ship are severed and they drift away into the VOID to slowly die as they run out of air to breathe. In real life it's persons whose LIFE LINES to INTIMATE OTHERS are severed and they drift away into the VOID to slowly suicide or murder (review the ongoing mass murder-suicides by young, single, lonely men) as they run out of CARE—also known as LOVE.

I am convinced by my own experience and study of many researchers on Attachment Psychology and Affective Neuroscience that what is experienced as PANIC ATTACK and GENERAL ANXIETY is the result of the SEVERING of our LIMBIC LIFE LINE to a source we can relate to as our INTIMATE OTHERS – those persons who essentially take the place of our parents in supplying our emotional security without which we are cast adrift, abandoned, to die alone and lonely, CRYING OUT for CARE until we go silent for the last time.

There is no CURE for the HUMAN CONDITION – no Gods, no Governments can “Save Us” – because death is necessary, life must become sufficient. We only have our fallible, vulnerable, selves to rely on. We are left with CARE. It’s time to GROW UP and take Responsibility for our Freedom. Join me. The LIMBIC LIFE LINE is within your REACH. I am here, ready, able and willing to be on the other END to help you BEGIN to SOURCE YOURSELF.

To TEND our ENDS I will establish an online communication MEANS for shared MEANING to contend with our LOSSES. I intend to create and maintain a VOiP enabled COMMUNITY where there will always be SOME EMPATHETIC PERSON that those experiencing Panic-Anxiety can talk to in order to be helped to manage their distress. Email me if interested:; or call me on my cell phone in Chile: (56) 9 4250 6535 (I have VoIP and so can call you anywhere in the world on mobile or fixed for very cheap--and you can do the same with me).

"While we are alive...what we have to give to each other is at one and the same time the simplest yet most sublime gift--ourselves." James J. Lynch from his book "The Broken Heart".

A CRY UNHEARD by James J. Lynch

It is one of the most perplexing paradoxes of modern life. As technology dramatically expands our ways of communicating, loneliness has become one of the leading causes of premature death in all technologically advanced nations. The medical toll is made heavier by powerful social forces—school failure, family and communal disintegration, divorce, the loss of loved ones. And while loneliness, the lack of human companionship, and the absence of face-to-face dialogue have all been linked to virtually every major disease, the link is particularly marked in the case of heart disease, the nation's leading killer. Every year, millions die prematurely, lonely and brokenhearted, no longer able to communicate with their fellow human beings. Drawing on a lifetime of his own medical research, Dr. James Lynch provides a groundbreaking sequel to his best-selling The Broken Heart. In our modern-day world, writes Lynch, telephones talk, and radios talk, and computers talk, and televisions talk, yet "no body" is there.

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